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Lust auf einen Spontanurlaub?

Schnappt Euch unser letztes verfügbares Zimmer und genießt mit uns das herrliche Kaiserwetter. :) 

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Our living room bar

for cocktail fans & music lovers

In our living room bar, we also kick back after work and enjoy the time with you. Let our team spoil you, browse through Roland's music selection, and help choose the next song to play while you enjoy one of the cocktails Michelle and her team have crafted just for you. And here’s the special touch: in our bar, you’re in for an exceptional music experience. We play Hi-Res music through our high-quality CABASSE speakers, perfectly tuned to our bar area – so you can enjoy the best sound in every corner. Our home is your home. :)

Alpvita Piz Tasna Ischgl